“Leadership is having the power to listen. Taking the time to fully understand our client’s vision, objectives and challenges enables us to tailor our services to meet their specific needs. It all starts with opening our ears.”
Posts by Brad Graves

New Reporting Requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act
We’re reaching out to emphasize the legal implications of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and the new reporting requirements. This update serves as a reference to help you understand the potential impact on your business and to ensure you are well-informed about the initial steps and compliance obligations under the Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting requirements Read more...

Get Your Piece of the Depreciation Pie Now with a Cost Segregation Study
If your business is depreciating over a 30-year period the entire cost of constructing the building that houses your operation, you should consider a cost segregation study. It might allow you to accelerate depreciation deductions on certain items, thereby reducing taxes and boosting cash flow. And under current law, the potential benefits of a cost Read more...

Analysis of Employee Retention Credit and Payroll Tax Deferral Provisions of the CARES Act (Sections 2301 and 2302)
Employee Retention Credit for Employers Subject to Closure Due to Covid-19 Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll Taxes Employers are also reminded to make requests for deferrals available with their state and local agencies. Under Governor Newsom’s executive order during the Coronavirus state of emergency, California’s tax agencies were given authority to extend certain deadlines. Read more...