High-risk Areas in Financial Reporting
In July 2023, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) published a report that highlights common areas of audit deficiencies...

Overhead Allocations: Rising Costs Require a Fresh, Disciplined Mindset
From utilities and interest expense to executive salaries and insurance, many overhead costs have skyrocketed over the last few years....

Reporting UTPs on Your Financial Statements
It can be difficult for business owners to navigate the tax code and monitor tax law developments. One area of...

Harnessing Your Superpowers
Several years ago, a now-retired partner posed an interesting question when she first joined the firm. She asked – What...

Does Spring Cleaning Apply to Businesses?
Spring is a time to clean out the cobwebs and make our home fresh again for many of us. But,...

Look to the Future with a QOE Report
Are you thinking about merging with or acquiring a business? CPA-prepared financial statements can provide valuable insight into historical financial...

Rolling Forecasts Provide Flexibility in Uncertain Times
Forecasting how your company is likely to perform over the next year can be challenging, especially when it’s unclear where...

Private Companies: Are you on track to meet the 2022 deadline for the updated lease standard?
Updated accounting rules for long-term leases took effect in 2019 for public companies. Now, after several deferrals by the Financial...

10 Financial Statement Areas to Watch for COVID-Related Effects
The COVID-19 pandemic is still adversely affecting many businesses and not-for-profit organizations, but the effects vary, depending on the nature...

Revenue Recognition and Leases: FASB Gives Certain Entities More Time
Private companies and most nonprofits were supposed to implement updated revenue recognition guidance in fiscal year 2019 and updated lease...

Planning for Re-Entry – What Will Business Look Like When We Get Back Our Offices?
As I am beginning my fourth week managing a firm and client projects from an upstairs office in my home,...

Tips for those Working Remotely
As we, and so many other companies enter the second week of working from home, and many who have had...

GPS Diagnostic: Identify Your Top Factors to Maximize Growth and Profit in Your Business
Whether you’re interested in exit planning or discovering opportunities for growing your profits, planning is an essential part of any...

Vacations Are an Asset – an Orange County CPA Firm’s Perspective
This summer I took my first three-week vacation, and I learned a great deal about preparing for a successful vacation....

Top 10 Fraud Prevention Tips for Business Owners and CEOs
Given the number of stories in the news, the phishing scams delivered to our email, and the portrayal of crazy...